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nintendo switch nintendo switch mario cart game

Nintendo Switch's Success in 2020

"Especially in the UK!"

2020 was without a doubt the year of the Nintendo Switch. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were experiencing the end of their era, with the spotlight on the new generation PS5 and Xbox Series X | S. This led Nintendo's hybrid console to triumph, thanks to the unparalleled success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which, possibly due to the timing of the pandemic, was a huge commercial success.

Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons

In particular, the head of the established industry media,, revealed an incredible sales achievement that Switch achieved in the UK in 2020. More specifically, he stated that:

In the UK last year, if you add every PS5 sold to every PS4 sold to every Xbox Series sold to every Xbox One sold... you get pretty much how much Nintendo Switch sold.

Can’t say I’m not impressed!

girl playing on nintendo switch gaming console
girl playing on nintendo switch gaming console

In conclusion, the United Kingdom is one of the largest markets in the industry, but not the only one. This achievement certainly does not reflect the global picture, but it is indisputable proof that the Switch still has tremendous momentum.

Written 215 Weeks Ago