The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s Sales Have Been Skyrocketed

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s sales have been skyrocketed to 28.3 millions.

Even though CD Projekt Red’s video game was released almost five years ago, it keeps on shaking things up. Yet its huge success didn’t catch us by surprise, considering the fact that about 1,500 people involved in that game's global development and launch. Hard work always pays off, and Witcher 3 couldn't be an exception to that rule. However, there are more reasons contributing to this impressive accomplishment. 

One major factor for its increased popularity, is Netflix’s series adaptation, as well as its release on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One Pass. So, according to the chart released, we learnt the followings about its sales: 

PC: ~12 million sales

PS4: ~ 10.8 million sales

Xbox One: ~ 4.3 million sales

Nintendo Switch: ~ 700,000 sales

Total: ~28.3 million sales

Additionally, it became known that the majority of Witcher 3 fans live in Europe, making up 37.2% of sales. The second place belongs to Asia with 27.9% of sales, followed by North America with 25.6% of sales. 

In conclusion, Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt’s legacy isn’t expected to end soon, since its fans are growing and spreading. Cheers to that!

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