santa clause and jinx league of legends xmas event
santa clause and jinx league of legends xmas event

3 Holiday Gaming Events

"X-mas mode on!"

Ah, Christmas! The most fantastic time of the year has come and the cold weather favors the mood to stay indoors, playing favorite games. But even if you’re an outdoorsy person, due to the COVID19 pandemic, you'll most likely end up staying home too -thank you 2020!

So, in order to help you relax and get you into the coveted, festive mood, we’ll list three gaming events that are perfect to play. Let’s cut to the chase!

Candy Cane Miss Fortune from League of Legends
Candy Cane Miss Fortune from League of Legends

Christmas Gaming Events

1) League of Legends

Riot Games has announced two new, Christmas events that will take place in the fantastic universe of LoL, the famous MOBA game. The first one, called Snowdown Showdown, is the annual League of Legends event for the holiday season. During this happening, the player has the chance to purchase time-limited themed skins for the champions, such as Slay Belle Katarina or Santa Gragas. Plus, some pretty cute cosmetic changes are introduced at the Summoner’s Rift. 

Slay Belle Katarina
Slay Belle Katarina

Except for the in-game event, you can always pay a visit to Riot’s merchandise online store and choose one set of keychain plushes, plenty of collectibles, or a holiday sweater for you or your loved ones. 

Last but not least, don’t forget the League of Legends All-Star Event for Christmas. No matter how everything has changed, some traditions will continue and the action is set for December 18-20. LoL professionals (and non-professionals) will participate either from their homes or regional studios, and the winners’ money will go to their favorite charities. 

LoL All Star Event 2020
LoL All Star Event 2020

2) Fortnite

The Fortnite Winterfest returns and is ready to get the players in the x-mas mood. Festive skins, Christmas-decorated lobby, snowflakes, brand new weapons, and a shaken-up map, are just a few of what you’ll witness. So, get ready to be welcomed in the annual, beloved, and holiday-themed Fortnite’s world! 

Fortnite Winterfest 2020
Fortnite Winterfest 2020

3) Rocket League

The Rocket League Frosty Fest 2020 is all about Christmas, winter, and holidays. Limited-time modes, festive items, such as Holiday Bow Topper, Holiday Hearth Wheels, and even the new Xmas Lights Animated Decal. Plus, there are brand new challenges and awesome snowy arenas. So, put on your snow tires and get ready to step on the gas!

Frosty Fest 2020 Rocket League
Frosty Fest 2020 Rocket League

Written 223 Weeks Ago
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