xbox series x and amd leaked info
xbox series x and amd leaked info

Hacker steals AMD data for upcoming GPUs and Xbox Series X graphics source code

AMD seems to be having a hard time these days, and as the chip designer revealed, the hacker managed to extract files that included data on subsequent GPUs and graphics source code for the Xbox Series X. AMD didn't give much information and the hacker stressed on foreign sites how he obtained material for the Navi 10 (Radeon RX 5700 series), the Navi 21, and the Arden GPU inside the Microsoft Xbox Series X.

She demanded $ 100 million for the code and threatened to leak everything if no buyers are found. She noted that she found the information on a hacked computer in November. AMD itself does not, however, appear willing to succumb to the pressures and says that even if this information comes out, it will not cause problems to itself or its affiliates.

Written 239 Weeks Ago
by Manix