ghost of tsushima scene
ghost of tsushima scene

A new update to "Ghost of Tsushima" is coming today

A new update to "Ghost of Tsushima" comes today with a new, Lethal difficulty mode and more accessibility settings.

The announcement was made by Sucker Punch who tweeted:

"Later in the day Patch 1.05 for #GhostOfTsushima will be released with a new level of difficulty, a setting for easier battles and new text settings."

The new difficulty level is called Lethal as it makes your enemies' weapons more lethal. The same of course applies to Jin's Katana. Your enemies are more aggressive during battle, they can spot Jin faster while the repulse and avoidance windows are smaller. In terms of accessibility options, these are mainly about reducing the intensity of the battle.

Lower intensity mode wants to keep the basic feel of the 'Ghost of Tsushima' battle and make it easier to do various time-related elements. The battle is less intense and you have more reaction time. Enemies also get more time until they find you.

Most attacks can also be blocked in this mode while L1 will protect Jin from most attacks. Enemies will also make short pauses after their various combos, which allow player to heal.

Heavy attacks can also stop even Brutes when you are in Lower Intensity. Enemies will also not attack you as you try to heal.

In terms of text settings, a new setting will allow you to increase the size of the subtitles while you can also change their color.

Apart from the above, of course, the patch also fixes various bugs, for which Sucker Punch has not mentioned anything specific, so they should not be particularly important.

Written 241 Weeks Ago
by Manix

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