Odyssey 2 by Magnavox Philips

Nickname: Philips Videopac G7000, Philips Odyssey
Predecessor: Odyssey
Successor: -
Release Date: 12/1978
Discontinued Date: 20/3/1984
Additional Sizes: -
Display Palette: 16 Colors
Initial Price: US$179 (equivalent to $687.6 in 2018) | JP¥49,800
Supported Game Media:

Oddyssey 2 is a home console released by Magnavox in 1978. Magnavox released the first home console and after a lot of improvements in the model the company decided to release Odyssey 2.

The console has a big set of games with each game to have its own background graphics, foreground graphics, gameplay, scoring, and music. On the console a full keyboard can be found that can be used for educational games, option selection or programming. For the latter specifically, the cartridge Computer Intro! released in order to teach the basics of programming. The controllers of the console are two removable joysticks which have an eight-direction stick each, along with an action button.

One of the most popular accessories was the one for speech synthesis that used for speech, music, and sound effects enhancement. However, the graphics was not so cutting-edge if you compare the console with its competitors, Atari 2600, Mattel's Intellivision and the Bally Astrocade.

The console was commercially moderate successful in U.S.A while the European version, Philips Videopac G7000 was a lot more successful. Odyssey 2 released in Brazil also named as Philips Odyssey quite successfully while in Japan didn't know a lot of success.

Lastly, an open source console emulator for the Odyssey 2 called O2EM is available.

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