Game Pocket Computer was released by Epoch in 1984 in Japan only. It has two built-in games, Puzzle Game and Graphics function and five ROM cartridges that was released for this console, Astro Bomber, Block Maze, Pocket Computer Mahjong, Pocket Computer Reversi and Sokoban. Game Pocket Computer has an LCD screen with 75x64 px resolution and uses four AA batteries as a power source. Even if this console is released five years before more modern consoles like Game Boy, it has some of their features like on and off switch for the console, on and off switch for the sound, a D-pad (directional pad) and 4 control buttons, one start and one select button. The screen's contrast can be also adjusted by the user. The cartridge can be plugged in from the right, where instructions can be seen for the game.
Interesting facts about Game Pocket Computer:
Because the sales was disappointing it never released outside Japan and is considered extremely rare
There is a dummy cartridge inside the box to use in order to keep the dust away from the console